Zoom Takes Over


Hello! Bonjour! Salve! Welcome back to Abbi's Cozy Corner. In today's post, I'll be giving my take on the effects of the next presidential debate being virtual. Zoom has officially taken over. 

It has been reported that the next presidential debate is going to be run virtually via the Zoom. Since the beggining of the pandemic, Zoom has stepped into the spotlight and stole the show. Most schools and even most jobs, now use Zoom. The last thing I expected to turn to Zoom though, was the presidential debate. 

In many classes, the feeling and intensity has gone down and so has participation. This makes me wonder whether the same will be said for the presidential debate. I can't help but think that maybe the level of animosity and intensity may be down because they are no longer in the same room. I also wonder how the media is going to broadcast the event. Will they send seperate cameras to each location or will they simply film the zoom? If the news stations do decide to film the Zoom, then will it have the same effect on the public? My opinion, it may not because it is being flipped and turned so much that it may lose its power.

But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when (or if, Donnie says he will not participate if the debate is virtual) the debates take place.


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