My Take on Ivanka Trump's RNC Speech

Bonjour, Hola, Hello! Welcome to Abbi's Cozy Corner. Today I'll be diving into the Ivanka Trump's RNC speech and giving my take on it, particularly Ivanka's word choice and her topic choice.

The first thing I'd like to focus on is her word choice. She jumped between referring Donnie as "Dad" and "my father" and "Donald J Trump" and "The president". At first I wondered why. Was it a simple error? Was she having a hard time refering to her dad by his name? But then I realized what she was actually trying to do. She was trying to make her father seem human. She was trying to make him seem genuine by playing up the fact that he is her father in addition to being her president. 

The next thing I'd like to focus on is her topic choice. Particularly, her choice to touch on her father in terms of Women and African Americans. In both parties, it seems that they always need to speak on what they have done for women and what they have done for African Americans. Even if they have done jack squat and have been racist and misgoynistic. But I think that's why Ivanka made sure to mention these two things.

Ivanka's speech seemed very scripted and made her father seem perfect, but I guess that's the point. She definitely used some good techniques to persuade others to see that her father is human. But did it work, that's for the world to decide.

Next time on Abbi's Cozy Corner: Michelle Obama's DNC Speech


  1. I like your point about how her language choice was a calculated effort to try and humanize Trump.


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