The Trainwreck That Was The First 2020 Presidential Debate


Hello! Nǐn hǎo! Guten Tag! Welcome back to Abbi's Cozy Corner. Today I'll be talking about the trainwreck that was the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

On October 29th, the first of 3 presidential debates were held in Clevland, Ohio. As someone who does not care for politics, I did not know what to expect. I knew that it would be comedic because that's what this entire presidency has been, but I didn't know what else to expect. Watching it the first time around, my friends I decided to turn it into a drinking game because we were just so taken aback by what was happening. I however decided to rewatch it and really think about some of the things that were said and done. Such as the fact that the things that were said were mostly pathos based rather than logos based. A lot of the answers were filled with emotion. 

The thing that I want to focus on is the fact that Trump decided to not renounce white supremacy but instead tell them to "Stand Back and Stand By". As a black female, I was emotionally and mentally moved by this as I would never expect to turn on national television and see the president of the free nation endorsing white supremacy. I was already voting for Biden because at this point I am over it. But hearing Trump say this really lit a fire in me to let me know that I need to vote. In a way, Trump saying this lit a fire in many people to get out there and vote on November 3rd. 

Even though this this debate was funny and hot mess, it did make me as a viewer clear on my own feelings about politics and voting. 


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