The Final Presidential Debate


Hello Ya'll! Welcome back to Abbi's Cozy Corner. Today I'll be talking about the final presidential debate. 

This debate was interesting, not as funny as the first one obviously, but interesting never the less. Watching this debate, I could definitely see the growth in Joe Biden from the first debate. Reading his body language in this debate, he seemed to have an air of confidence about him that did not exist in the first debate. In the first debate, he seemed nervous but also fed up with Donnie's shenanigans. Whereas in this debate, he seemed ready for whatever would be thrown his way.

One of the other things that really made me think was when Donnie in response to a question said "I am the least racist person in this room". I wondered, why didn't he just say "I'm not racist". Could it have been that he was hinting at the idea that everyone is racist? Or maybe he simply said it as a way to call out Joe Biden on his 1993 criminal acts bill. 

Either way, I did not know whether to be happy that Donnie was being honest and admitting that he was racist or intrigued that he thinks that everyone is a little bit racist.  


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