Censorship and the Media


Hello! Salut! Salve! Welcome back to Abbi's Cozy Corner. Today I'll be discussing media censorship and how far are they really allowed to go. 

Last night, October 14th, Demi Lovato performed her new song "Commander in Chief" at the Billboard Music Awards. The song itself was very powerful, but the message behind her "VOTE" was just as powerful. Yet, NBC censored the song. First off, let's talk about the message. 

Watching this performance I was moved. I could feel Lovato's rage and felt empowered but also angry at the same time. It was if I could feel Lovato's emotion through the screen. The message itself was powerful and reached many people. I am also sure that plenty of people like me watching this performance may have felt the emotion through the screen. However, while watching it, I did notice that the video quickly zoomed in on Lovato at the ending rather than showing the backdrop which had the word "VOTE" on it. This may seem like a small not really a bid deal kind of thing. But it really is. 

Apparently, the song itself (which includes the lyric "We're in a state of crisis, people are dying / While you line your pockets deep / Commander in Chief, how does it feel to still / Be able to breathe") coupled with the backdrop made this an "anti-Donnie song". 

But what right does NBC have to censor it. It's not like she swore or had an obscene picture in the back. Instead it was simply one word coupled with a song. During Obama's presidency, much worse was said about him on national television and none of the media outlets bothered to sensor it. This makes me wonder what right does the media have to censor things and what are the guidelines? Because Donnie airs stuff all the time on Fox News about Biden and other politicians, but they aren't censored. It also makes me wonder though, does Donnie run NBC?


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